Sunday, August 10, 2014

Example of Two CIOs who broke the mould

Many, including yours truly, have written about the importance of the role of CIO and the transition to other CXO roles. Some have gone on to become CEOs, entrepreneurs, financial advisors, angel investors and even VCs. When you look at DuWayne Peterson, you see that he was the Chairman at Pasadena Angel Investors and now the Vice President at Colorado Angel Investors. But you forget that for the past four decades he has been one of the most respected IT executives around. From 1977 to 1986 he was Executive Vice President at Security Pacific Bank, and the next five years he was at Merrill Lynch. I cannot even state all the places he has helped – I will need a book for it, but to the best of my knowledge, he was one of the first million dollar a year CIO in this country. I have known him and been his admirer for several years, and besides all the accolades he deserves for his expertise, he is simply a modest and wonderful human being. Thank you DuWayne for the all help and advice you have shared with me. I miss those morning breakfast meetings in San Marino.
Jim Sutter, formerly CIO at Rockwell International is another very respected CIO who made the transition to CXO roles, coaching peers, Board positions and advisor to a multitude of start-ups including my own firm UGovernIT, Inc. Jim’s current role is as a Management Consultant specializing in technology investments related to information systems. He also facilitates one of the most respected CIO Roundtables in Orange County. I have known him for a decade and a half, and learnt so much as both a CIO and entrepreneur.

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