Sunday, August 10, 2014

How far is Google taking us?

Literally.  We all heard about the dozen cars in Northern California that can drive for us.   The one I thought was very cute was something much more mundane.  I was writing an email (using gmail) in which I used the phrase “as per the attachment”.  Needless to say I had not attached anything.  When I attempted to send the email, Google politely pointed out that I had the used the phrase “per attachment”, but there was no attachment.  Clearly, a “wow” moment.  Imagine I had sent an email to my wife telling her I love her but forgot to attach a picture of a dozen roses!  Where is Google taking us?
Google already has language translators eliminating that profession.  They have analytics eliminating many a bright analyst.  Imagine now that Google wants to replace managers with automated tools.  Let us take this further, they want to replace CIOs with tools.  This topic hits home.  After all I run a business providing on-demand CIO services and tools to help CIOs manage the IT department.   I am panic-stricken actually.  If they really do replace us CIOs with tools, then I will lose my business which helps CIOs run the business of IT.   Is it time to work on my resume?

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