Sunday, August 10, 2014

Forrester’s Top Ten IT Priorities for 2014 – A Quick Review

What a disappointment!  Not that I am fan of IT predictions, nor am I a big fan of analysts in this space, even given that, I expected more of firms like Forrester.  Their top ten predictions were:
  1. Digital convergence erodes boundaries
  2. Digital experience delivery makes (or breaks) firms
  3. APIs become digital glue
  4. The business takes ownership of process and intelligence
  5. Firms shed yesterday’s data limitations
  6. Sensors and devices draw ecosystems together
  7. “Trust” and “identity” get a rethink
  8. Infrastructure takes on engagement
  9. Firms learn from the cloud and mobile
  10. IT becomes an agile service broker (or fades away)
The top ten predictions (save for the last one) were something that could have been written in 2001! The last one is quite interesting.  Service oriented architecture that originated in IT to manage services is now spreading to other areas of the enterprise.  IT needs to encourage and facilitate these services.  Fortunately a number of tools are coming together in the market place to leverage this trend.  This will not only foster efficiencies in the organization but bridge the gap between users and IT.

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